Well, our first objective to visit our hometown was to attend my cousin’s wedding. Like usual, i always take a role as a welcome guess girl,, hehhee. On the second day, we went to PGS (Pusat Grosir Solo) and boutique of batik danar hadi. I will give a simple review about those places.
1. Pusat Grosir solo (PGS)
You can find a lot of batik here like at Pasar Klewer. But it is more modern and we also can find another stuffs like bags, clothes, accessories, etc. The price is also relative cheap and reachable. You can buy “SOLO” shirt here. The price range is from 25 IDR-50 IDR (depends on the quality). For batik dress 35 IDR-300IDR.
2. Danar Hadi Batik
I really like batik danar hadi or batik keris. Because the material is so soft, comfortable to use, and the unique motive. But I don’t really like the price :P. It’s more expensive than the others. The price range from 100 IDR-1000IDR ( even more). But for ladies dress started form 200 IDR. I just bought one dress there.
Okay..just a bit information that I can share to you. In spite of the limited time so I just visited those 2 places. Hopefully next time I can explore Solo on a longer time. Hmm.... Have I a desire to live there one day? Hmmm... absolutely yes *hopefully*.
Sering2x nulis tentang Solo ya mbak...ibunda saya juga asli dari sebuah desa di luar Solo, baru sempet mudik ke sana 2 kali. Terakhir tahun 2010 lalu. Sayang nggak tahu banyak worth to visit places waktu itu. Salam kenal :)
BalasHapussalam kenal juga mbak, tadi mampir-mampir ke blognya bagus deh =). ok nanti kalo ke solo lagi cerita-cerita lagi di blog ini :D