

That feeling that I have to remember

I put my make up and my dress on
I came to the venue with Riri by bus
I saw some of my friends were there
some with themselves 
some with their friends
some with their family members.
It's been not only once I heard my friends said that they don't want to attend to their graduation day just because they feel alone. But I always encourage them to come, even just by ourselves. Some people maybe think graduation is not pretty important, moreover if there was no family members accompanying us. I don't know, I just like to attend that ceremony, even if I just sitting in the guest seats to accompany my friends, or even If I came alone on my graduation day.  
But anyway, that day I didn't come alone. Some of my friends came  because there were some Indonesian students graduating that day. Even Arbay and Inda made a special photo clip for us, thanks Arbay, it means a lot. 
That day, I didn't feel alone. Moreover, I talked to some new friends in my line, I just realise that when I was in the campus I  just come and go to the library, really lazy to talk outside to my circle, lol. 
Anyway, I want to remember the feeling that day forever, because that day was one of the best days in my life. I was really, not really happy, but the best word to describe the feeling is, probably, I just feel mmmm, I just feel I am so beautiful.


PS. I always try not to feel sad when I was far away from my parents or my family, because I just think that our love ones can feel our feelings. 



Kurang lebih satu minggu yang lalu saya mengikuti tes TOEFL ITP lagi setelah lima tahun nggak pernah ikut tes ini. Saya ingin punya sertifikat toefl untuk jaga-jaga, kalau ada beasiswa lagi tahun ini dan saya pengen ikut jadi udah punya sertifikat bahasa inggris yang masih berlaku. Kemudian saya mulai cari info tes ini di beberapa lembaga. Setelah browsing, saya menemukan tiga lembaga yang lokasinya dekat dengan rumah atau kantor saya, saya pun mendapat nomer telepon, web dan wa yang bisa saya hubungi. Berikut lembaga, info kontak dan biayanya per bulan Februari 2019:

1. LBI UI  (, biaya tes Rp 575000
2. ILP Pancoran (, WA 0811-8499-991 biaya tes Rp 545000
3. Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa UIN Ciputat (, WA0895635347789 biaya Rp 510000

Setelah menghubungi ketiga lembaga tersebut, ternyata jadwal yang cocok dengan saya adalah di ILP. Sepertinya harus daftar kira-kira 2 minggu sebelum tanggal tes, karena biasanya cepat penuh. Ok, sekian infonya, good luck untuk yang tes. Oh ya, satu tips dari saya ketika mengerjakan soal listening: dengarkan baik-baik dan pahami percakapan dan pertanyaan, jangan melihat ke pilihan jawaban sebelum percakapan dan pertanyaannya selesai, karena kadang kita ke distract ketika melihat pilihan jawaban dan malah nggak fokus mendengarkan pertanyaannya. Semoga tips ini membantu.
